Each booth needs to include cultural decoration, display, and activities (e.g., art & craft, games, any interactive activities are preferred).
Include some display for their immigrant history to the US using a poster, or display board. (e.g., Chinese American History, Korean American History, etc)
We also encourage your use of traditional dress to enhance the intercultural atmosphere to draw people to your booth.
As a reminder, the festival does not provide tents, tables, or chairs so please plan accordingly to suit your needs. If you need to rent tables or chairs, please let us know. There will be a rental fee.
Booths cannot sell any items to participants but can hand out cultural souvenirs.
At booths, pre-packaged/factory-made food items will be okay to distribute for free. (e.g., candies, cookies and drink)
Participation of Minors: For safety reasons, thirteen (13) is the minimum age to work in a booth.
Security: Security will be present at all times. However, the Festival cannot be responsible for anything lost, missing or stolen. Each participant is responsible for securing their own property.
Litter: It is the responsibility of each participant to keep their booth and clear of clutter at all times.
Signs: The Festival will provide uniform signs denoting each cultural group for Cultural Exhibits.
Everyone is encouraged to promote attendance at the Festival to neighbors, friends, coworkers, and the general public.