Historical Background of AAPA
1991 The Asian American Advisory Council was initially organized by a small group of concerned Asian parents in the city of Cupertino, California, with the encouragement of Cupertino Union School District (CUSD) Board members Tommy Sue and Michael Chang.
1993 This Council held routine meetings with then CUSD Superintendent Pat Lamson to assist the District in the development of a Diversity and enrichment strategy by:
Encouraging Asian parents to participate in the implementation of the Diversity strategy;
Recommending that the District hire more Asian staff;
Participating in the development of the 4th grade Social Study curriculum about California and adding a section on Chinese Immigration History;
Sending a representative to participate in the Science Curriculum Task Force and initiating the Teacher for Science Content Workshop for teachers K-8;
Recommending that the District initiate a Diversity Action Plan.
1994 The Asian American Advisory Council members decided to establish their organization into a formal non-profit organization:
Developed a Mission Statement;
Wrote the bylaws;
Fulfilled all legal requirements to obtain tax deductible, tax exempt status (501C3);
Renamed the organization to "Asian American Parent Association" or AAPA;
The "Asian American Parent Association" became official on July 1, 1994.